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Library Building Needs Committee Meeting Minutes 10/10/14
Minutes of the Library Building Needs Committee 10/10/14

Meeting called to order 7:04 p.m.
Mark Makuc, Karen Klopfer, Walter Ritter, John Higgins, Ann Canning, Carole Clarin, Dennis Lynch, Susan Gallant, MaryPaul Yates, Lois Storch
Mark Makuc summarized grant process and explained what is expected of this committee:  a library building program after first having gathered data on the needs of the town with respect to a library building.
Karen Klopfer explained what a Library Building Program is.  She asked the committee if it would like to hold a forum and also create a survey to gather the data.
After some discussion the committee agreed to hold the forum on Sat., Nov. 8 at 10:30 a.m.  The committee will work on a survey to be distributed in December.  Methods of distribution were discussed.  
The committee nominated and voted MaryPaul Yates as chair of the committee, and Susan Gallant was elected secretary.
The next meeting will be on Fri 10/24 at 7 p.m.